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Whale calf rescued off Lahad Datu

Firemen and marine police personnel successfully tow whale calf to open sea.

src="" srcset=" 648w, 300w, 550w, 218w" width="648">KOTA KINABALU: Marine police personnel and firemen rushed to rescue a whale calf founded stranded in waters off Lahad Datu town today.

The 4.5m calf, weighing some 400kg, was towed out to sea during the midday operation.

Lahad Datu fire station chief Mazran Mohd Noh said a team of firemen and marine police personnel were rushed to the area near Tembok Batu after being alerted by the public.

He said the calf was seen swimming in shallow waters and the firemen and policemen worked to tow the creature to an area called Armstrong.

Mazran said the calf was seen swimming away after it reached open waters.

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lagi info di : Gosip Artis Terkini

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