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Out of 60 promises from PH, only one on Bumis, says Najib

Prime minister says Pakatan Harapan manifesto does not contain anything substantive that BN government has not already achieved.

Najib Razak says the BN government will continue with its policies to provide assistance and initiatives for Bumiputeras to further develop. (Facebook video


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Razak has accused Pakatan Harapan (PH) of treating the Bumiputera agenda lightly in its manifesto for the 14th general election (GE14).

He said the document only made a single mention of the “Bumiputera economy” in one of its various promises.

“I have studied the manifesto of the other side which has 60 promises,” the Umno president said in reference to the opposition coalition.

“Only one promise speaks about Bumiputera economy.

“That too is contained in promise number 30 of the manifesto,” he said at a gathering of Bumiputera entrepreneurs at Stadium Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil, here.

Najib said the manifesto did not contain anything substantive to uphold and strengthen the economic development of Bumiputeras.

“They only promise to table a report in Parliament on the equity holdings of Malays and Bumiputeras.

“What will Bumiputeras gain from such a move?”

PH had launched the manifesto titled “10 promises in 100 days, to build the nation and fulfil hope” on March 8.

The thrust of the 200-page document was in five pillars, containing 60 pledges, including the scrapping the goods and services tax (GST), which it blames for the increased cost of living.

PH vowed to implement 10 of the pledges within 100 days of it taking over Putrajaya.

Najib also said all the promises made by the opposition pact were already pursued by the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) which he leads.

He said the BN government would continue with its policies to provide assistance and initiatives for Bumiputeras to further develop if given the mandate by voters.

“I will continue to defend the national Bumiputera agenda for our prosperity in the present generation as well as in the future,” he said.

PH manifesto to focus on 10 promises in 100 days

PH’s unrealistic election manifesto

What’s lacking in Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto

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