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My ‘not-so-cool’ New Year resolutions

Fa Abdul lists 10 New Year resolutions that she vows to keep throughout 2017.



Making New Year resolutions have become sort of a tradition for many of us. Every year, we solemnly pledge to keep these resolutions with the sole purpose of making better versions of ourselves in some way.

However, although resolutions are much fun to make, maintaining them throughout the year can be difficult. Surely, we have all seen (if not experienced ourselves) how tough it is to stick to our goals. And that’s not only due to our erratic levels of enthusiasm – for some it is simply because habits are hard to break.

I too have my share of unkept resolutions. From wanting to travel to

Europe, to reading at least 10 books a year, fitting into a pair of skinny jeans, watching more television and taking up dance and language classes – I keep letting myself down year after year. Seriously, if I could write a whole book about the New Year resolutions I failed miserably to keep, it would probably look like an encyclopaedia!

What I’ve realised is that many of us do not have the capacity to turn our hopes and wishes into resolutions – especially when juggling responsibilities like family and career. Truth is, asking someone who is already struggling with life’s everyday demands, how many pounds they vow to lose, how much more disciplined they plan to be, how much harder they are willing to work and how much time they can put aside for themselves, is quite unreasonable if not downright cruel.

But we keep making these resolutions because believe me, claiming to have none does sound like having no purpose in life – I know because the stares I get when I say so, speaks volumes.

So not wishing to break with tradition, I took some time to ponder on the things that matter to me – things I am capable of accomplishing (with some effort) and which will not only bring self-satisfaction but also benefit my children, my family, my friends, my neighbours and society at large.

These are my 2017 resolutions:

1. I vow to smile more to strangers, even if I get a blank stare in return.

2. I vow to remove racists, bigots and imbeciles from my social network.

3. I vow to hold the elevator doors for others even if those standing closest to the panel inside fail to do so.

4. I vow to greet people I meet in stairways, lobbies, lifts and parking lots.

5. I vow to purchase more from street stalls, small traders and shopkeepers instead of big stores, hypermarkets and wholesalers.

6. I vow to stop subscribing to cable TV that keep airing commercials in between my paid-for shows.

7. I vow not to walk around those who stand in the middle of walkways – instead, I will advise them to move aside and stop blocking other people’s paths.

8. I vow to politely advise parents who bring young, noisy children to cinemas to stop being selfish and ignorant.

9. I vow to honk at anyone littering from their vehicles. Likewise, I will make my voice heard when I see street litterbugs.

10. I vow to use less plastic and polystyrene. I vow to always carry a shopping bag, a food container, fork/spoon and a water bottle.

If the New Year is really a fresh opportunity for hope and joy, I vow to try my very best to carry out my 10 resolutions of 2017.

Happy New Year Malaysia!

Fa Abdul is an FMT columnist.

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