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70 homeless in early morning fire

Miri Fire and Rescue Department says fire has destroyed 13 squatter houses in Kampung Muhibbah, Kuala Baram, but no one was injured.

src="" srcset=" 648w, 300w, 550w, 218w" width="648">MIRI: Seventy residents of a squatter settlement in Kampung Muhibbah, Kuala Baram, were left only with the clothes on their back in an early morning fire today.

Miri Fire and Rescue Department head Law Poh Kong said the fire destroyed 13 squatter houses, but no one was injured.

The cause of the fire and losses incurred were still being investigated, he added.

He said the fire station received a distress call at 2.09am, but firemen had problems extinguishing the flame as there was no fire hydrant nearby.

A one-stop centre had been set up at the village community hall to facilitate the channelling of aid by the Social Welfare Department and non-governmental organisations to the fire victims, he added.


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