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Hadi slammed for idea of all-Malay cabinet

Hadi's idea is dangerous and will cause disunity among Malaysians, says Mujahid.

Hadi’s idea is dangerous and will cause disunity among Malaysians, says Mujahid.

PETALING JAYA: Two opposition leaders have hit out at PAS president Hadi Awang for envisioning a Malaysian cabinet that consists only of Malays.

“His idea is dangerous,” said Amanah vice-president Mujahid Yusof Rawa. “It will cause disunity among Malaysians.”

Rais Hussin, who heads PPBM’s policy and strategy bureau, said Hadi was becoming more right wing than Umno.

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Rais says Hadi is becoming more right wing than Umno.

The two were responding to an article Hadi wrote for Harakah Daily.

Quoting from the 11th century scholar Al-Mawardi, Hadi said non-Muslims were encouraged to play a role in governance, but only in management duties, not in policy making.

Mujahid said PAS should be rejected for such a backward idea and for encouraging racial discontent.

He said Al-Mawardi’s notion of non-Muslims was based on the “harbi” and “dhimmi” concepts. Harbis are those who are at war with Muslims. Dhimmis are non-Muslims who accept the rule of Islam. They are required to pay a tax for their exemption from military duty and from having to pay the zakat.

“Those concepts do not apply in Malaysia,” Mujahid said, describing the country as one where citizens of various races and religions aspire to live as a single united community.

Rais condemned Hadi for presenting Islam as if it condoned racism.

“Islam abhors racism and Hadi is becoming more Umno than Umno,” he said.

He accused Hadi of merchandising Islam for narrow politics and said his behaviour reminded him of warnings from the Prophet about the end times.

He quoted the following hadiths:

“Men will come forth who will fraudulently use religion for worldly ends and wear sheepskins in public to display meekness. Their tongues will be sweeter than sugar, but their hearts will be the hearts of wolves.”

“There will appear in latter times a people who will gain this world with the help of religion.”

Political analyst Kamarul Zaman Yusoff of Universiti Utara Malaysia criticised Hadi’s article as politically unwise.

“If he and other PAS leaders are really serious about their intention to be kingmaker in GE14, they would require cooperation from other parties,” he said.

Political analyst Kamarul Zaman Yusoff criticised Hadi’s article as politically unwise.

Political analyst Kamarul Zaman Yusoff criticised Hadi’s article as politically unwise.

“This kind of talk, although it can appeal to the hardcore Muslims, can scare away a substantial number of non-Muslims,” he said.

Kamarul also said PAS’s political position was unclear and speculated that this was the reason the New Straits Times used the headline “All-Malay cabinet members for Malaysia”, which he described as misleading.

“I think the main point in Hadi’s writing is encapsulated in his insistence that PAS does not prioritise the naming of the prime minister or cabinet members,” he said.

“However, he and other PAS leaders have not made their position clear on the matter. That has clearly resulted in this misleading headline.”

lagi info di : Gosip Artis Terkini

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